Saturday, March 24, 2012

Crème brûlée

What a treat crème brûlées are, especially with quality vanilla beans. The big question surrounding crème brûlées is how to bake them. Some use bain-marie, others bake them directly in the oven. The end result is the same, only the timing changes: 30 minutes in a bain-marie at 320°F, 1h15 directly in the oven at 212°F. In the end, a perfectly baked crème brûlée must always be wobbly in its middle.

Ingredients for 4 people

2.5 vanilla beans
180 g egg yolk
300 g heavy whipping cream
300 g whole milk
84 g sugar
Brown sugar


- Split the vanilla bean in two and scrape the seeds into the milk. Bring to a boil and let it infuse 10 to 15 min.
- Preheat the oven: 320°F for bain-marie, 212°F directly in the oven.
- Whisk the yolks and the sugar until it melts.
- Pour the vanilla milk through a strainer, whisk, then add the heavy cream, whisk again.
- Pour the custard into 4 ramekins. Be generous.
- Bake for 30 minutes or 1h15 minutes.
- Refrigerate them.
- Before serving, sprinkle some brown sugar over each crème and caramelize with a blowtorch.