
Baking requires an investment in a few utensils. Some are a little bit expensive but they will pay for themselves in the pleasure you will have baking with them. Despite your whips, baking brushes and molds, here's a list of utensils that will make your life a lot easier.
Stand mixer
Even though they are expensive, these mixers, type KitchenAid or Cuisinart, are very useful. They will allow you to do other things while they whip your cream. Most of the time, they are sold with a blender, very useful for your purees.
Decorating tips and pastry bags
There are a lot of decorating tip models and they are yours to choose to decorate your cakes. I have a slight preference for those in stainless steel. As for pastry bags, you can either chose canvas or disposable ones. The disposable ones are easier to use.
They are very practical to delicately fold your whipped cream and scrape clean your mixing bowls. I would advise a silicone one.

Stainless steel mixing bowl
They will allow you to melt your chocolate in a bain-marie (never use the microwave oven to melt chocolate!!!) and blend your mixtures.

Sifter or strainer
One or the other, it's the same thing but use a stainless steel one. They will allow you to sift your flour and to filter your purees.

Stainless steel spatula
The curved one are more practical. They will allow you to smooth your creams and icings.

Rolling pin
The best ones are built in beech wood and have no handles. They will allow even pressure on your dough.

Cooling rack on legs
They are very useful to let your biscuits cool down.

Ceramic beads
They will prevent your pie shells from blistering and are very easy to clean.

Electronic scale
Precision is compulsory in baking, do not improvise with your quantities. Electronic scales are a means to precision.

Digital thermometer
Among others, your custards and syrups need to be heated to certain temperatures. A digital thermometer is much more precise than a glass one.

You can find different forms and sizes. All my recipes require 10x3 and 9x2 rings.